Dr. Marcia Zumbahlen is a Developmental Clinical Neuropsychologist who specializes in the assessment and treatment of neuro-developmental disorders. Although, she works with all ages, she is uniquely trained in early childhood assessment, and family-based treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder and associated conditions (e.g., Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, Communication Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Social Anxiety, etc.). Her 30 years of experience in the field, and background in relationship-based work, has taught her to meet families where they are: working from their perspective, using their language, and adapting to their environment. She is known for her genuine desire to improve family relationships and her authentic and creative style of educating families about brain-behavior connections.


Ph.D. in Developmental PsychologyUniversity of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1988-1997

Infant Mental Health CertificateErikson Institute, Chicago, 2003-2005

Ph.D. Respecialization in Clinical PsychologyIllinois Institute of Psychology, Chicago, 2012-2015

Practicum in Psychological Assessment, Margot Touris, Ph.D., Northbrook, IL, 2013-2014

Internship in Psychological AssessmentThe Haymount Institute Autism Clinic, Fayetteville, NC, 2014-2015

Post-doctoral Fellowship in NeuropsychologyThomson Memory Center, Chicagoland, 2015-2016


Visiting Assistant Professor of PsychologyIllinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, 1994-1998

Assistant Professor of Early Childhood EducationSouthern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1998-2005

Doula and Family Advocate, Carbondale, Champaign-Urbana, and Chicago, IL, 2000-2014

Early Childhood Consultant and Program Evaluator, Chicago, IL, 2006-2007

DIR Therapist, Beth Osten & Associates (Supervisor: Diane Selinger, Ph.D.), Skokie, IL, 2007-2014